A Favorite Bible Study Method Gospel LifeCatherine ParksApril 23, 2018Bible study, Swedish method, Scripture, discipleship
On Believing Our Own False Narratives Gospel LifeCatherine ParksJuly 27, 2017Bryan College, Dayton TN, Stephen Livesay, Christian college
On Guilt and Scapegoating Gospel LifeCatherine ParksApril 3, 2017Wilfred McClay, guilt, victimhood, grace
A Few Thoughts on Immigration Gospel LifeCatherine ParksMarch 3, 2017immigration, Christians, Hispanics, detention centers
Guard Your Heart - Reflections on You Are What You Love Books, Gospel Life, Reading GroupCatherine ParksFebruary 8, 2017James K. A. Smith, You Are What You Love, Casper Ten Boom, sanctification, liturgy, spiritual disciplines
February Reading Group Selection BooksCatherine ParksFebruary 2, 2017Book Club, Jayber Crow, Wendell Berry
When the Worlds of Kings Seem Large Gospel Life, BooksCatherine ParksFebruary 1, 2017Eugene Peterson, Psalm 2, politics, prayer, Answering God
Reflections on Repairing My Dryer Gospel Life, Non-Wedding StuffCatherine ParksJanuary 19, 2017euthanasia, imago dei
A Few Thoughts on "Moana" Non-Wedding Stuff, Gospel LifeCatherine ParksDecember 8, 2016Disney, Moana, individualism, identity in Christ